What can I expect from a video consultation?

April 21, 2017

Columbia Care is happy to provide assistance on several kinds of questions through the use of a video consultation. Video consultations help registered patients and designated caregivers who want to learn about the medical marijuana products that we have available, who may want to speak with our pharmacy staff to adjust product formulation or dosing, or who may want additional instruction on how to use our medical marijuana products.


During a video consultation, our Columbia Care pharmacy staff will first ask each registered patient or designated caregiver to present his or her New York State Medical Marijuana ID Card or Medical Marijuana Caregiver ID Card in addition to another form of New York State identification.


Our pharmacy staff will begin each consultation by reviewing the most up-to-date Patient Certification and by asking each patient or caregiver about the reason for the consultation.


Our Columbia Care PharmDs will be able to answer questions on product formulation and dosing, drug interactions, contraindications, cautions, and a wide variety of other considerations.


At the end of each video consultation, our pharmacy staff will be able to place an express order on behalf of the registered patient or designated caregiver; we would also be available to schedule your next appointment.